One of the most effective ways to increase your revenue is to borrow traffic from another popular site that has a large audience that overlaps with your niche. In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about affiliate marketing on Quora.
Quora is a great free traffic source for affiliate marketing. Quora is a great place to share your expertise with people who need it, and of course, you can also get paid affiliate commissions if you do it the right.
In this guide, I share some really good hacks that you’ve never seen before so make sure you read this article right to the end if you want to promote affiliate links on Quora the right way.
Table of Contents
What is Quora?
Quora is a question and answer site that has a huge audience On Quora, people ask questions and other users provide answers.
Although the question and answer format has been around forever on forums and websites, Quora was one of the first sites to make it popular.
Unlike some other sites that have a lot of content marketing but poor user engagement (i.e., Forbes), Quora is truly a community of engaged users.
People spend a lot of time on Quora every day to get answers and learn new things, without even realizing it.
Benefits of Quora For Affiliate Marketing
Let me first show you the potential of Quora.
Quora is getting 300 million visits every month and more than 50% of its visitors are coming from highly developed countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia.
Also, most of their traffic is search and direct traffic and that is the best traffic that you can get because those are the people who are actually most interested in whatever your niche is all about.
According to Ahrefs Authority Checker, Quora has an authority of 91 which is huge.
And you will see later why Quora authority is important.
Step 1. Find Product To Promote
The first step is to choose a product that you can promote.
The main idea is that it should be something that you believe in, not just a product to make some easy money.
💡 Pro Tip
If you have no idea what affiliate product to promote, I recommend taking a look at these articles:
Step 2. Create an Account
Once you’ve chosen a good affiliate product to promote the next step to do affiliate marketing on Quora is to create an account.
If you already have one you can skip this step because it’s a very straightforward process.
So come to Quora and create a free account, it’s very simple. Just go to Quora and go to create an account and, you’re in.
Improve Your Feed
And, what you are going to do next is you’re going to improve your feed where you’ll need to:
In order for you to find content to create questions and answers for, you just have to follow five or more spaces.
Find Spaces To Follow
So click on discover spaces on the left-hand side.
And you’ll get a whole list of all the different spaces you can follow within Quora.
And here you’ll find spaces in any niche:
And any niche you can think of is all here.
So whatever niche you’re in, that’s what you follow.
You only follow topics that are related to your niche.
Step 3. Create a Landing Page
If you want to promote affiliate links on Quora you need a landing page or opt-in page. And this step is essential because Quora doesn’t allow to
Here is an example of an opt-in page from my free affiliate marketing course.
It’s going to look something like this depending on the product that you promote.
There is a simple headline about what the product is.
A little description and a picture of the product.
They’re going to enter their name and their email then they’re going to be able to download the product.
This is the exact page that you need to link them from Quora to avoid getting blocked.
So you simply just have to set up this page one time, put this link on Quora when you’re answering questions or in your profile.
💡 Pro Tip
All of my sales funnels and landing pages I create using Builderall. It’s the best sales funnel software for affiliate marketing and this platform can help you to achieve your business goal at the cheapest price in the market. There is no competitor giving so many features and with such a low price. In fact, Builderall also offers a completely free plan.
Step 4. Answer Questions
Within these topics that you follow you’re going to answer questions.
And then what’s going to happen is here, you’re going to have these tabs; about, questions, people.
If you go to questions, you’re going to get a bunch of questions that you can answer.
So you can jump in there and answer these questions.
The next way to find questions to answer is by using the search bar at the bottom.
Best Tips on Answering Questions on Quora
Now I’m going to show best practices on answering Quora questions
✅ Format Your Answers
Optimize your answers to make them more appealing.
Use a good introduction (that people will be interested in) and include keywords that are closely related to your content.
Make sure that your answers are high-quality and well structured.
Use a list format if possible, and make sure you include pictures where it makes sense to do so.
✅ Use Public Profile
If you are asking questions or answering questions in one niche then I suggest using a public profile because you can actually add a link to your blog to your website to your Medium profile in your quora profile.
✅ Include Relevant Links
The next step is to “embed” relevant links in your answers, such as backlinks to your website/blog posts or affiliate links to products that you recommend.
✅ Use Copywriting Tools
If you’re struggling to answer any of the questions that you would like to answer, you can use some of the AI copywriting tools that will do the heavy lifting for you.
For this, I highly recommend because they have templates specifically created to answer Quora questions.
Here you can start a Jasper AI 5-day free trial where you’ll also get 10,000 free credits.
Find a question and give the best answer and your profile will get thousands and thousands and thousands of views over time.
This works, that’s simple.
But do you see guys that you are trading time for traffic or time for potential traffic?
This is about branding you as the authority. It has got a lot of, sort of benefits to you because by writing content about your niche, you’re expanding your niche knowledge.
Also, you are expanding your understanding of Quora and how to get traffic which is good because the same concept applies to Reddit and Medium, and other social media platforms.
But in most platforms out there, the same content at that place provides value and then people were intrigued and they will click on your link and go to your profile, and there is your link to your affiliate marketing website.
Step 5. Share Your Content in Quora Spaces
Another way to increase your income through affiliate marketing on Quora is by sharing content in Quora spaces.
Quora spaces are really just free topic-based groups that anyone can join.
You can use them for free and there are some enormous groups out there and practically every niche is represented.
Something really important that you need to know if you just dive in and start posting links you might well be wasting your time so only go for relevant spaces.
And also look at the level of engagement so if your chosen space doesn’t have much activity but lots of people are just sharing their links then that might not be the best approach for you.
Instead, have a look at spaces where people are leaving comments and there is a genuine discussion going on.
You can go ahead and create your own Quora space.
Just make sure that your content is useful, or you could be reprimanded by moderators who may think that you’re spamming the community.
Step 6. Ask Question To Promote Affiliate Products
There is another very good way to promote your affiliate products we are actually going to ask a question.
So now I’m going to show you how you can actually promote your products by asking questions on Quora.
So what you need to do you need to go here in the upper right corner and click “Add Question”
And here you actually need to write your question that question should contain your main keyword and it should be kind of catchy so it can catch people’s attention.
Quora is already suggesting you some related questions but none of these questions is actually relevant to our questions we are going to stick with our question.
And when you scroll down you will see “optional include a link that gives context” so here you can actually add a link to your affiliate product.
However, Quora actually does not allow affiliate links so for this method you’ll need to have an affiliate marketing website or create an affiliate sales funnel.
Bonus Method: Quora Hack To Find The Best Questions
Want to know which questions get lots of views and traffic?
Sign up to Quora Ads and try to create an ad and Quora will list your questions with its search traffic.
Here is how it works:
Step 1: Click on your profile icon and click on Ads Manager
Step 2: On the right-hand corner click on New Campaign and Give a campaign name
Step 3: Under Objective select Traffic
Step 4: Under Choose primary targeting, select Contextual Targeting
Step 5: And then Select Question and click on Bulk add and Window will pop up and enter your keyword.
Quora will list the questions with Weekly Views.
Sometimes you may not get results if your keyword is broad like weight loss, in that case, go for more specific
If there are more than 50 or 100 answers to a question, reply to the top question to get maximum impressions.
Example of Using Quora For Affiliate Marketing
Let’s look at this in a live example.
So, for example, this person, Aamir Kamal, he’s actually posting questions and answers and stuff.
You, can see, it’s got a picture, here is a description, and here is a link to his medium blog.
So, he is doing affiliate marketing on in conjunction with Quora to get more views, increase exposure, and promote affiliate products.
As you can see his content has had 9 million views 502.7K this month.
He also answered 923 questions, and he’s submitted 645 questions.
And why he’s doing this, he’s doing this purely to get exposure, to get his name out there, to get his face out there, to get traffic to his blog, and so on.
But I can bet your ass that whatever he’s doing here, he’s doing it to provide value.
Let’s look at one of his answers.
That’s a good long in-depth answer, you see that? This here is helpful.
And what’s going to happen is if I click on this link that says: “This article will also help you create: How to create a fast motion clip in TikTok?“
And so he also inserted a link that goes to his Medium page.
Now that is a very more advanced thing because he has to be very careful about that.
But because he has a proven track record of actually giving long detailed answers and he’s a top contributor, Quora doesn’t mind.
If click on more here, you can see here are some rules and the rules are different for every single space. And sometimes they do say you’re allowed to leave links as long as they’re helpful and useful, not spamming just to get to send traffic to squeeze page, but if you’re sending a link into something that’s a useful resource, they are fine.
This guy is natural authority, he’s helping people so they will allow him to link out. It is very important guys that you understand this.
So, when you go forward and do this, don’t just come in here and say, “I have examples on my blog. Go and check out my blog. Link here”.
Don’t do that, it doesn’t work. It literally doesn’t work.
You’ll get banned faster than you can fart. Simply go in there with intention of I’m going to write a 500-word answer, I’m going to give a detailed answer, purely to give value and to be helpful.
You’re helping them expand, your own knowledge, and you move forward from there.
Track Your Affiliate Links
To maximize your success, use ClickMagick, which shows not only how many clicks each of your links get but also lets you know which of your links converts the best.
Quora Affiliate Marketing Final Words
So that’s how you get traffic from Quora. It works like a charm, trust me. I’ve done it before, it works like a charm.
The amount of time you need to spend on affiliate marketing on Quora largely depends on your niche – I recommend spending 2-3 hours per day searching for fresh content opportunities.
And you move forward from there and simply find a balancing act between building your own blog, your own business, and spending a bit of time with Quora to gain a little bit of traction to start sending traffic to your blog.
Affiliate marketing on Quora is a great way to promote affiliate marketing products because there are thousands of potential customers who are already interested in affiliate marketing and related topics.
Doing affiliate marketing on Quora is still just a good idea. Just make sure that you follow the steps above and I am confident that your efforts will be rewarded with success.
If you are looking for more free affiliate marketing traffic sources, check out these articles: